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Student of the Week

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Starting with the week of October 4, 2013, we began a new program honoring Mrs. Ohlman, who was the principal of Marquette Elementary School during 1966-1985.  One student in our school is chosen to be “Student of the Week”.  The student is chosen by their teacher. Each week, a different class and grade has the honor of selecting one student.  The student will have their picture taken and placed in the plaque in the front foyer.

We are so excited that Zane was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Mrs. Clark had to say about him..I am so excited to choose the student of the week!  This week I'm going to share a list of characteristics for my student of the week

  • hard worker
  • great friend
  • super listener
  • responsible
  • cheers on friends
  • encouraging
  • loves to read
  • funny
  • organized
  • always happy

The boy in my class that meets all of these characteristics is Zane! He is my student of the week!

We are so excited that Silas was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Miss Look had to say about him...

We are so excited to be able to celebrate a member of our class family this upcoming week! This boy is new to our school this year.  He always says hello and smiles at everyone in the hallway. He always has a positive attitude and his smile lights up the room.  Every day he works very hard at everything that he does, even if it is challenging.  He has been a superstar in math and is always participating.  He shows kindness to each and every person and we feel so very lucky to be able to have him in our class.  Congratulations Silas, you are our student of the week!

We are so excited that Enzo was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Mrs. Heaton had to say about him...

I get so excited when it's my turn to choose a student from my class to be the Student of the Week. I was like Santa checking my list twice to see who was doing an extra terrific job of being an MES tiger. The student I chose meets all of the criteria of a gRRReat MES Tiger. This boy is always respectful. He comes to school each day with a smile and positive attitude. He enjoys learning new things and loves sharing his knowledge of interesting facts. Enzo is this week's Student of the Week.  

We are so excited that Brenden was chosen as our next "Golden Rule Student of the Week"! Here is what Miss Malin had to say about him...Oh boy! I have been waiting patiently for my turn to pick student of the week. 

So many to choose from, but who should I choose? I know! I have a student in my class who is very sweet and helpful.

They have really worked hard in their reading so far this year. They always love to share stories with me. Can you guess who it is yet?

They are good at math. They are a friend to everyone. They always come into school and class with a smile on their face.

My pick for student of the week is........Brenden!  Woohoo!

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