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Mrs. Jones

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Mrs. Jones' Classroom


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Welcome to Kindergarten

Mrs. Jones



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Welcome to Marquette School and an exciting year of learning and discovery for your child! I have many exciting lessons and learning experiences planned for this school year.

The first days of school can be quite stressful for young children.  These suggestions may help in making your child's first school days happy days:

  • Show a positive attitude about school.  Let your child know school can be a fun and exciting place.  Your child will be very aware of your attitude toward school.
  •  Establish a routine at bedtime (as well as a morning routine before school).
  • Set up a routine for getting your child's backpack ready.  Write and include any notes to me in the red folder that I will provide for you.  If your child has something in his/her backpack that I should be aware of, please send me a note about it in the red folder.  

I look forward to working with your child this year!


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Behavior Chart Explanation Note

Birthday Treats

Snack Note

See Class Dojo for our Weekly Newsletters and Monthly Calendars

Kindergarten Sight Words



It is a requirement for your child to have tennis shoes (velcro shoes) for gym.  Your child will need to keep his/her gym shoes at school every day. We have gym Monday-Friday.  


Thank you!!!




If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at:

E-mail:  ajones@dist102.org

Phone: 382-3612 ext. 118

Class Dojo

By note in your child's red folder

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