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Family Resources

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How to Change Your Child's Behavior

It seems to defy common sense, but the evidence is in: If you want to change a child’s behavior, telling them what they’re doing wrong is NOT the most effective way to do it — especially if you’re raising your . . . read more

Transitional Housing

  Sometimes we can get in situations where staying in our current home becomes difficult, especially financially.  This is when families can end up in transitional housing such as moving in with another family or . . . read more

Help for Suicide Threat

Do not be afraid to ask.  Asking about suicide does not increase suicide risk - it will help.  Even if the person exhibiting warning signs is not thinking about suicide, they likely still need your attention and help. . . . read more

Tazwood Community Services for Financial Assistance

Call for information Telephone:      309-266-9941 or  309-694-4391 Website:           tazwoodcs.org Restrictions:     Must live in . . . read more

Call 4 Calm is a free emotional support text line where you can speak with a mental health professional

During these tough times, sometimes we need to reach out for a little help.  There is a service for texting where you text the word "talk" to 552020 to connect with someone who can talk and offer help.  Hang in . . . read more

Great Resource for Critical Health and Human Care Programs

Heart of Illinois 2-1-1 Every day, individuals go without essential services while help is readily available. The Heart of Illinois United Way and Advanced Medical Transport of Central Illinois partner to provide Heart of . . . read more

Resource for Urgent Mental Health Services for Children

A mental health crisis can occur when children can’t calm down, are uncontrollable or may be in sudden danger of hurting themselves or others. It is a time when your child is no longer safe to himself or others or when there is . . . read more

Resources for Basic Needs

Sometimes life throws us a challenge and we need a little help.  Here are some resources for families which may ease your burdens.   . . . read more

Counseling and Hotline Resources

Welcome! Below you will find resources in our area for counseling and hotline numbers. Counseling Family Core, Peoria (309) 676-2400 They also have an office at First United Methodist Church in . . . read more

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