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Friday, February 28, 2025

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Common Core

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Common Core at GMS


     By now I'm sure you have all heard about the new learning standards that our state has adopted called the Common Core State Standards.  You may be asking yourself what kind of impact will they have on my child?  

     Standardized test scores around the state have dropped due to these more rigorous standards. At first glance it may seem like your child is learning less.  Not so, your child's test score may have dropped but the expectations for them are much higher due to these new standards.  As a result of being exposed to these new higher standards your child will be asked to "think" differently.  For example, not only will they be asked to work a problem and come up with an answer.  They will also be asked to be able to apply higher logic concepts found within the problem and apply it in a variety of ways.  

     What is GMS doing to prepare students for the new assessment that will take place next year to assess students learning of these new standards? We have mapped our ELA and Math curriculum to align with these standards and extended instructional time to go beyond the state recommendations.  Social Studies and Science courses are becoming more advanced with cross curricular instruction.  We are moving to a one-to-one chromebook platform with every student able to access additional resources online that will enhance and improve skill comprehension.  This will also allow teachers to better broaden students' ability to connect with curriculum. 

     As you can see GMS is busy adjusting to the changes that Common Core has brought.  We will continue to research and learn how we can best prepare our students to show the ability that they possess.  For more information on the Common Core Standards go to


PDFs on Common Core (click below to download PDF)

Common Core ELA

Common Core Math

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