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Mrs. Miller

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Welcome to Pre-K

Welcome to Pre-K

My name is Miss Jenny!  I am your child's Pre-K teacher this year!  We will be having lots of fun!  Miss Keeley is also in our class this year.  Miss Mangieri is our school's speech pathologist and she will be coming into our classroom to do some in class activities with some of our students.


Things to keep in mind for Pre-K:

    *We play and explore in Pre-K.  As much as we try to not get things on their clothes, it does happen from time to time.  Please do not send your child to school in clothes that are not ok to get dirty.  Learning and playing for this age group can be a dirty business!!!

    *Please send extra clothes that are appropriate for the season in your child's bag.  Sometimes they will have a potty accident and will need new clothes to change themselves into.  Sometimes they may spill their whole drink down the front of them.  They need to be able to change out of wet clothes.

    *Send your child's folder to school EVERY day and please, please, please, check their folder EVERY NIGHT!!  Important notes go home and your child may not get to participate in activities if you don't know what is going on.

    *If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call or send me an email.  My email is jmiller@dist102.org.  I typically check it several times a day.  I also use Class Dojo. If you have not signed up yet, please contact me to get a special code unique to your child. 

Contact me at



Here are our latest newsletters: 10-13-2017.pdf




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